I caschi salvano vite: Infortuni alla testa sul lavoro

Helmets save lives: Head injuries at work

The dangers for those who work on (or even visit) an industrial site are manifold and involve a considerable risk of injury, especially to the head.

Large loads placed in height or protruding sharp objects, slippery surfaces, combined with momentary inattention increase these possibilities and lead to unforeseen consequences for the health and safety of workers.

The role of personal protective equipment in all these cases is catalytic, as long as it becomes a habit for everyone to use it diligently. Since the risk cannot be eliminated within such premises, care should be taken that it does not become fatal to anyone.

The work uniform of an industrial worker, depending of course on its object, it is important that it includes a work helmet, to protect it from:

Head Injuries : Dropping objects/components from heights or striking protruding fixed points, such as stacked raw materials, are the most common work-related injuries involving the head. Slipping: In areas such as the food or chemical industry which often have slippery surfaces, the head is protected from impact in the event of a fall.

Fatal Accidents: In the event of a serious accident while loading, such as improper handling of a forklift, rollover of a truck bed, etc., the chances of survival will remain with someone who was wearing a helmet at the time.

Sun protection: For outdoor workers, the helmet provides, among other things, additional protection against heat stroke, burns and fatigue.

Apart from the above, the helmet is also suitable for displaying corporate identity such as company logo, employee's membership department or even his or her name can be printed on it.

So, as boring as it may seem for company employees to wear a helmet every day, when they realize the benefits it offers them in the event of an accident and risk to their lives, they will wear it with joy. As a personnel safety officer, always remember that the helmet must always be in perfect working order and fit perfectly on the wearer's head so as not to disturb him in everyday life. If it's comfortable and doesn't choke it, he'll wear it more consistently.

In addition, you should attach great importance to the products you choose as there are cheap imitations on the market that do not meet the prescribed safety standards and therefore will not offer the necessary protection in the event of an accident.

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