Cordino porta utensili con moschettone in alluminio

Tool lanyard with aluminum carabiner

The tool lanyard with aluminum carabiner is a lifeline designed to protect workers at height during activities. Its main function is to arrest a fall and to stop it so that the forces on the body are less than 6 kN.

Made of 20 mm polyester, with tubular webbing and aluminum carabiner, this lanyard has a maximum load capacity of 2.20 kg and a weight of only 0.065 kg. The length can be adjusted from 90 to 140 cm, adapting to the individual needs of the user.

In the past, workers at height used energy-absorbing lanyards to protect themselves from falls, but as equipment has evolved, tool lanyards have replaced these older devices. Shorter and lighter than their predecessors, these new Lanyards are designed to attach directly to the user's harness.

Falling from a height remains one of the most frequent causes of fatal accidents at work, and it is important to use adequate protection to prevent them. If it is not possible to use collective protection, such as a guardrail or barrier, the person must be secured with a fall arrest harness, lifeline or fall arrest device. Furthermore, each protective device must be inspected at least once every 12 months or after a fall, and in case of doubts or for more information, you can contact a professional in the sector.

In some cases, such as at loading and unloading points or in technical installations with a low drop depth, it is not possible to use a fixed device. In these cases, you can opt for a mobile anchor pole or an escalator with anchor points.

In conclusion,the tool lanyard with aluminum carabiner is an excellent solution to ensure the safety of workers at height during activities, offering effective protection that is easily adaptable to individual needs.

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